Okay, so I got a little behind.
Okay, so I got a LOT behind. About two months worth actually. Things just got really busy behind the scenes. Before you know it, my batteries in my camera died and I put off buying new ones because I had ordered my new camera and was waiting for that to come in, then I was too busy taking pictures of random stuff to even care about Project 365 (if that makes any sense, since most my P365 pictures ARE of random stuff). I'm really wanting to start back up, it was really fun scrapping those P365 weekly layouts, but every time I ready my camera to take a new daily picture, I freeze up and have no idea what to photograph. Maybe I need to refer to my wonderful "365 Ideas" list that I have bookmarked. I do plan on starting it back up in the next week or so, so more to come on that later.
I still have some pictures from my last like 5 days of my P365 attempt, but I won't bother sharing those. Instead today I'll share some layouts I've done recently - I've been finding more time to scrap instead of design, so I have a lot to share!

These photos were taken back in January. You might recognize them as one of my P365 photos actually. This was the day that was chilly but actually very nice for a January day in Kansas so we took Isaac to the little park up north of town. He had a blast of course.

More P365 photos, because it seems like that's all I took in January lol. This was done for a challenge at Scrappity-Doo-Dah.com to use a template and the provided mini kit. I think the only ones not featured in this layout are me, Heath, and the dog.

This layout was done for a challenge for the Amazing Digi-Scrap Race, which is going very well for Tiffany and me. We have a couple more weeks left and we're a little burnt out (at least I am) but we're still going strong. The challenges keep getting harder and harder but nothing I can't handle! The challenge was to use 5 pictures, and one had to have the number 5 in it (thus the picture of Isaac holding up a 5). We also had to use 5 of the same embellishment (mine are the hearts), and our title had to be something along the lines of "5 Things I Love About...". I chose to scrap about Heath and I being together almost 5 years and what I love about it. I had my fill of 5's that week, I'll tell you!

This is one of my first layouts with pictures taken with my new camera. This was actually a couple of days after I got it and I followed Isaac around like a mad woman just snapping pictures. He was laying down on the couch talking to me while I was snapping pictures.

Another layout with photos taken with my new camera. This was for another challenge at Scrappity-Doo-Dah, for March. The challenge was to take a photo and extract something out of it, so that it looked like your subject was popping out of a frame. I've never done a photo like that before but it was so fun and easy that I will definitely do it again. It's been nice here lately so I've taken Isaac outside to burn off some energy. We're trying to teach him how to ride his little bike this summer. It's difficult because our yard is not flat, it's bumpy, filled with dirt, and uneven. I hesitate to take him out to the road because we can't always hear cars approaching down our road, and I don't want to be so busy taking pictures that I can't hear a car coming. Maybe Heath and I can take him down to one of the schools on the weekend, where my dad taught me how to ride my bike.

This is a two-page layout I did of our trip to the zoo this past weekend. We were looking to do something fun, really cheap since we were low on funds, and something outside because the weather was SO beautiful. We decided to go to the zoo. Although our zoo is pretty barren, Isaac had fun and I got some new shots so we were all happy. This layout is of Isaac's favorite thing to see at the zoo, the ducks. He loves feeding them, so when we go to the zoo we always have to make sure to have a few quarters handy for the little seed machine. He's too afraid to have them eat out of his hand, although I'm sure it won't take him long, since his middle name is Danger lol.

This layout actually has kind of a fun story to tell. The other night (I think it was Monday) we were trying to get Isaac to go to bed and he was throwing a fit (as usual). He wanted to do nothing but watch his dad play Guitar Hero. So I bargained with him that he could play one song himself then go to bed. He was playing the hardest song in the game on easy, and doing very well at it, so we put on a different song, Smoke On The Water, and put it on beginner, just to see if he could pass it. It's a very easy song, so we were sure he would pass it. Well, he did, and he got an 82%. Now, it's not a big accomplishment, but it does show how musically talented he is, and how amazingly talented he is at video games he already is for a three-year-old. And yeah, we were proud of him - how many parents can say their 3-year-old passed a song on Guitar Hero with an 82%?

This layout is for another challenge for the Amazing Digi-Scrap Race. Our challenge was to write a Bucket List of 50 Things we'd like to do before we die. This was quite a challenge for me - 1. I'm 23, I haven't really taken the time to think about these things, 2. I'm 23, I'm not thinking about dying anytime soon, 3. Coming up with 50 things is really hard. By Wednesday (the challenge was due Sunday) I had 35 things and I was well on my way. I was planning on starting the layout on Friday, when I discovered my list was gone. I'd written everything on a piece of paper and it was lost, probably thrown in the trash. Saturday I threw another list together in about a half an hour (with mostly things that I remember being on my previous one) and got the layout done. It's with my new kit Rememberance. I think it turned out pretty good, I'm not sure I like the title where it is or the alpha I used. The picture is from a batch of sunset pictures we took out at the lake in the beginning of March.

Another layout for the ADSR. This challenge was the one that came after the Bucket List, and obviously inspired by that. We were to scrap our Someday. You know that thing that you say "Someday, I will..." but you always put off. Mine wasn't necessarily something I'd put off because of laziness. I chose to scrap that Someday, Heath and I will have another baby, but we put it off because I'm not ready yet.

These pictures are from 2009 that I never got the time to scrap before now. Tiff put out a Valentine's kit called "Crush" and it was the perfect opportunity to scrap these old photos of Isaac. And yes, when I say I will show it to his girlfriends one day, I mean it lol.

These pictures were taken back in 2009, when my Uncle Gary came down to visit (twice in one year, we were happy!)...we were outside most of the time because the guys were putting new siding on my grandma's house. Isaac found a little ball and we played some catch, "baseball", and other ball games lol.

I personally think this is just about one of the cutest layouts I've made. The only thing I would change is that it looks like some things are just hanging mid-air, but maybe that's what makes it cute. These pictures are from way back in 2007, I've been trying to catch up on old pictures.

Now these photos are from back in January of 2006. Like I said, I've been trying to catch up on old photos. This is back when Heath and I first met, at my 19th birthday party.

From 2007, the barbeque my family had to celebrate Heath and I's one-year anniversary and Josh's belated birthday.

I *think* this photo is from 2007, but I'm not entirely sure. I know my parents were on vacation in Dallas or somewhere like that.

A two-pager of old photos from the lake (not from the new batch) from 2008 or 2009. I think it was 2008.

Another photo from the lake photos of 08 or 09. (I think my tag says 08.) You can't see it because of the really bad shadows but Heath and Isaac are standing in the middle of those trees.

Another layout for a challenge, this was for the March challenge with a mini kit that was provided. Perfect chance to scrap these old St. Patty's photos from last year.
I do believe that's enough sharing from me today, I'm tired of dragging and dropping all those photos. However, I still do have more layouts to share, so I'll probably be back tomorrow to share some. I have been working on Isaac's baby album, trying to get it done so I can maybe print it off, so I have some adorable layouts to show you from that, and also from the baby shower and some layouts from my high school album which I'm also trying to finish up. Also, I'm going to really start trying to get back up on my P365 and sharing those.
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