March 26 - A shot of Isaac's messy bedroom. He went into his closet, threw all his toys out, and left them all over the floor. I cleaned it up the next day, but it didn't stay (did I really expect it to?). Surprisingly today, he went back in and cleaned it all up.

March 27 - Isaac laid down on the couch, naked as a jaybird (as usual) and cuddled up with a blanket to watch cartoons. Caught him mid-thumb-chewing. Not sucking, mind you...chewing. What can I say, my kid's weird.

March 28 - This pretty much sums up our whole day lol.

March 29 - I fell sick with the flu - I was throwing up all night - so I laid in bed pretty much all day and rested. I also pulled out my laptop (which is now fixed enough that I can actually work on it, yay!) and did some scrapping.

March 30 - Heath's first day off today in quite a while, and such a beautiful day that we decided to go to the park. We packed up a picnic lunch with turkey sandwiches, bananas and Pringles and headed out to the park. This is mid-lunch, and such a great shot. Isaac had a ton of fun at the park and I got some great photos. We left early and went to the arcade down in the mall, and then we went Easter shopping.
It's been a busy day today and about to get even busier - Isaac wants to go outside to play with his new Easter toys - water guns, a plastic ball, and bubbles. We passed up the candy this year because I'm sure my family will load him up on Sunday when we do his baskets and an Easter Egg Hunt. Also we bought some stuff to color eggs, he probably wants to do that tonight but we'll see.
Okay headed outside now - I'll be back this weekend with the rest of this week's photos, the layout, and maybe some more layouts that I've done.
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