Saturday, January 9 - My birthday! I woke up to lots of hugs, good wishes, emails from scrapbooking message boards that I'm a member of (some of them with birthday scrapbooking goodies, yay!), and even 23 spanks from Heath. Funny, he thinks I'll let him get away with that, but payback is hell and his 24th birthday is in approximately 5 months. I won't forget that lol. I went shopping with my mom all afternoon - she took me out to lunch at Taco Tico, we went to the mall and Hobby Lobby for a little shopping. She bought me a purse I had been eyeing for a while and a necklace, and I bought two pairs of earrings with some birthday money I was given by my grandma. Then we made a quick stop at Walmart to pick up a couple things. Then, home just in time to get ready to drop Isaac off at Josh's then to dinner at Applebee's. They were packed when we got there but after about 15 minutes we got seated. There was a single pink rose and a gift bag from Heath at the table. I ordered myself a strawberry margarita, opened my present and we ordered our food. The fun started after my our drinks got there. Like I said, I didn't have any food in my stomach and the alcohol soaked into my system too quickly, so within about 15 minutes I was buzzed up enough that the room was starting to spin. It was definitely interesting eating. By the time we were done I would say I was officially one step away from drunk, but luckily not enough that I made a fool of myself. Note to self: next time, eat a snack before you go if you know you're going to drink lol! Heath gave me a necklace and pair of earrings, and Wii Fit Plus for my birthday. Most women wouldn't like that, but I did! The picture above was taken earlier in the day, and that's my present from Isaac - my birthday cake! Isn't it sweet?

Sunday, January 10 - Sunday morning we picked Isaac up from Josh's house around 10...he had so much fun that he cried because he didn't want to leave! The rest of the day I worked on my Project 365 kit that I'm planning to sell, Heath did a few dishes and cleaned up a little. I helped pick up the living room but mainly focused on my designing. That night we both just wanted to relax so we put in a movie - this is one of my favorite movies right now, Knocked Up. Heath fell asleep near the end, after Isaac went to bed, and I stayed up for a little longer to just browse the web.

Monday, January 11 - Back to work for Heath again. Normal day for me and Isaac. Worked a little more on my P365 kit, getting closer to being done and ready. After Heath got home we went grocery shopping like every normal Monday. I really enjoy those Mondays because even though I hate grocery shopping, it's nice to get out with Heath and Isaac and have a little fun. On the way home we picked up take-out and a movie. I'd been wanting to see Funny People for quite a while, after I'd seen Knocked Up I figured Seth Rogen would be good in this one as well. We had some popcorn and watched the movie. It was a funny movie, definitely not family-friendly. At one point I told Heath that it would be interesting to go through the entire movie and count how many times the F word was said, that it would probably be in the hundreds. They really loved that word lol. It was definitely a different role for Adam Sandler. It was a good movie, but not one to add to the favorites list. I guess my expectations were different of it, but I wouldn't say it was a bad movie either.

Tuesday, January 12 - Starting Tuesday I started missing a few days of photos because I got really busy trying to keep the house up and working on my designs. So I took the prompts that were posted at GottaPixel's forum for their 365 Challenge. Today's prompt was What a Treat - Take a photo of something that is a treat for you. There's a long explanation as to why this is a treat but the jist of it is that after I had Isaac, and even before all the way back to high school, I was suffering from serious depression. Some days I didn't have the motivation to even get dressed. I loved my family and loved being married, but I just felt like something was missing. It just got so bad that I stopped taking care of myself and doing things for me, I was too busy focusing on taking care of everyone else because that was all I had the motivation to do. I don't know what happened, but after we moved and I got back into digital scrapping and discovered designing, my depression started to get better. Now I'm not fully recovered - there are still days where I get very emotional and moody, and some days I start crying for no apparent reason. But I don't feel unmotivated to do anything anymore. Sometimes I don't have motivation to do the things I need to do, like clean house and cook supper, but who doesn't have those days? The fact that I have motivation to do something other than sit at the TV all day is a victory in itself. Now it's sitting at the computer all day designing, lol, but at least it's constructive. It makes me happy, it boosts my confidence, and I'm making a little extra money off it. And I'm getting more successful all the time, my sales are picking up and my name is getting out there, so maybe one day it'll lead to big things for me. Anyway, the treat for me in the Wii Fit is the way I feel when I accomplish that. Sometimes I miss a day (or a few...ahem, I haven't gotten on it in a week lol) but it makes me feel good when I do get on and I accomplish a work out. It makes me feel good that I've done something for myself that is good for me.

Wednesday, January 13 - We had gone out both Monday and Tuesday nights, just window shopping and stuff, so I figured when Heath got home Wednesday he would want to stay in. To my surprise, the minute he walked through the door he said "Let's take Isaac to the park, it's a beautiful day." So I finished up what I was doing, got Isaac dressed and we headed to the park. It was in the 50's or 60's so still a bit chilly, but much better than the 20's and 30's we'd had all the first part of the year. I don't like parks most of the time because we always find one that is full of rambunctious kids. This time wasn't any different. There were two teenagers there who were apparently babysitting their siblings or something, and they were brats. First they kicked their ball under our car and I had to retrieve that. Then they kept asking me to give them their ball. The two teenagers were not watching them at all. At one point, the pair walked away (and they were boyfriend and girlfriend, if that gives you a clue) and the kids wandered off the other direction. When they finally discovered the kids had walked away, they yelled at them then gave me a look like "Why weren't you watching them?" I won't get into that though. The important thing was that Isaac had a ton of fun, and I got some new pictures to scrap so I'll post layouts of that soon, when I get them done. We finally had to leave because some more people walked up with a big dog, and I didn't feel comfortable. It was starting to get chilly too, I had to put my gloves on because my hands were freezing. But Isaac had a ton of fun.

Thursday, January 14 - I missed this day too so I followed the prompt Treasured Junk - Take a photo of your "junk" that is something you treasure or have been meaning to get fixed. This is my treasured junk - my old paper scrap stuff. Since this summer it's been packed away on my front porch. It's probably thousands of dollars of stuff collected over the entire ten years that I paper scrapped. I never spent that much in one shopping trip, usually just $10 here or $5 there, but my desk was bought with an income tax return and was about $600, and there were hundreds of dollars worth of tools that were given to me as birthday and Christmas gifts, or just because from my mother. I feel awful that I haven't put this stuff to use, that it's just sitting on our front porch, but I just can't bring myself to give it away. I find myself sometimes wanting to pull out my paper scrapping supplies, but I just know that I will get tired of it 15 minutes into trying. I love digital scrapbooking because it's cleaner, cheaper, and more economical. But I hate to give away those tools and items because I love them. Maybe one of these days I'll figure out a way to put them to good use.

Friday, January 15 - I'm determined not to miss the photo for today, so I'm using today's prompt I Feel Pretty - Take a photo of something that makes you feel pretty. Being a stay at home mom, there's just no reason to get all dolled up during the day. It takes me at least an hour to get ready, so why spend that time doing that when I could be doing the dishes or working on my designs? When I know I'm going to go somewhere, like on the weekends or on Mondays, I do get myself dressed, put on makeup, and the final touch - my jewelry. My mom actually got me into wearing jewelry. I very rarely wore jewelry, in fact whenever I did wear jewelry it would start bugging me and I took it off. My mom bought me a few pieces of jewelry a while back - you know, just cheap costume jewelry, but it made me feel good about myself. Since then, I've really enjoyed wearing my jewelry and I keep buying jewelry like it. I like diamonds and silver and all, but I also like costume jewelry. For some reason it makes me feel good. Sometimes, the gaudier the better lol. I used to not like jewelry like this but I guess times have changed. Anyway, that's what makes me feel pretty - the makeup and nice clothes are okay, but the finishing touch is always what jewelry I choose to wear that day.
There's the end of that novel for the week lol. I need to start staying caught up on my photos and posts so that I don't have to write novels like that every weekend. Anyway, I'll be back soon with Week 2's Layout, more Photos a Day, and hopefully some other layouts!
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