Day 6 - Wednesday Isaac and I did more cleaning - same routine, I cleaned while he made more messes. I guess I'm used to that huh? lol I succeeded in getting in 32 minutes of Wii Fit - 10 minutes of yoga (and I'm still feeling it two days later!), a 5 or 6 minute run, and the other half was just aerobics exercise. I started on some laundry - a daunting task, considering our dryer isn't working. The heating element is dead so it's not heating, and our laundry is piling up pretty quickly. We don't have a clothesline (and I don't keep clothespins around the house anyway) so I've had to wash small loads of clothes and hang them up on our shower curtain or lay them out on our countertop. I'm prepared to get in there more today and knock out some more clothes. That night Heath and Josh went out on a secret excursion - they said they were going furniture shopping, but I know better. They brought home food and after we ate they rocked out on Guitar Hero for a while, while I attempted to design. I'm at that point in a kit that I hate where I've got no idea what else to include but I don't have enough to actually be able to call it a kit. Anyway after Josh left I abandoned the designing for a while and Heath and I got on Guitar Hero for a little while - I sang while Heath played Guitar Hero, then I got tired of that and we switched. I think I prefer playing the guitar over the singing, because the songs are not songs that really fit my style that I like to sing.

Day 7 -Thursday was just pretty uneventful. In fact, it was downright boring. Woke up, coffee, computer, email, cleaning, TV, lunch, the normal thing. The last couple days, we've woken up around 4AM to find Isaac in the living room playing video games. We've stripped the video games away from him so he finds other ways of playing them, thinking we're not noticing. So during the day he's not allowed to play video games. Because he's been waking up earlier, he's actually been taking naps during the day. Don't get me wrong, I love the naps during the day. But I would rather him stay in bed until we wake up than wake up at 4AM and take a super-long nap around 1PM. So anyway, around 1PM I told him to lay down and take a nap, and after a few tears and fits, he did. Around 3, this is what I looked over to see. I just knew this was a perfect picture for the day. The rest of the night was exactly like the day - boring, uneventful. I worked on trying to draw some things with my Wacom, but it's still going to take some getting used to. Hopefully I'll be able to create something for what I'm working on now though.
After I got that picture taken for yesterday, I decided to hang up my designer hat for the night and scrapbook the page for it. I'm really happy with the result, and surprised I fit so much journaling on the page! Hopefully I can keep it up like that!

I used a mix of kits for this layout, all from a designer competition called So You Think You Can Design that took place around July 2009. A bunch of designers created kits around a certain theme or color scheme each week and gave the result away for free. After all submissions were entered they were judged and some designers were eliminated each week. These two kits were from the Project 365 theme from week 2 or 3 I think. One is by Jady Day Studio, called Love All Year Long. The other is by Graham Like The Cracker, called Everyday Adventures. The template used is by ChrissyW from her Photo A Day collection. I used a mix of photo actions to edit the photos.
Speaking of photos, I realized why my photos from Days 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were turning out so awful and speckled. My lighting was the problem. Day 6 I took my picture during the afternoon where the light was shining through my window, but dull enough that it wasn't too harsh. Day 7, I pulled the curtains back to let all the light shine through on Isaac and Sassy. From now on, I'm going to try to focus on the natural light rather than the flash, because my photos turned out much better.
I'll be back tonight hopefully with Day 8, and maybe some more layouts from today.
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