Friday, December 18, 2009

First Blog Post!

So I'm sitting here typing the first post to this brand new blog! Hope everyone in the family can find their way here!

First I want to say that all the blog decorations were done by me, using my very talented designer friend Tiffany's scrap kit Hop Right To It. She even helped me out when the background wasn't working for me by logging into my account and fixing it. I just adore her! If you're interested in checking out her stuff, you can find all the links to her stores (she has 3!) at

Tonight Isaac thoroughly entertained us at dinner with his antics. There were several times I wanted to grab the camera and shoot some video, but I haven't felt terribly good lately so I didn't want to get up and interrupt my dinner. Right now I'm fighting a small headache I've had all day, along with a little sore throat, and a horribly swollen gum from a molar that is working it's way through. It's awful! I just really hope I'm not getting sick this close to Christmas. I'm really excited, because this year is the first year that Isaac knows what's going on and actually has an interest in opening all those presents...and I hear there will be quite a few! We didn't get him a whole lot this year - we're still trying to get back up on our feet from this summer, when we got hit with a couple of awful electricity bills. We did get him a set of Play-Doh - 6 cans, plus a set of tools that come with two extra cans. He should have a lot of fun with it, IF he can keep it out of his mouth! We also got him a small pack of Color Wonder markers and paper - if he enjoys it, we may try to get him some more. On our personal Christmas Eve, he'll be opening a box with a set of dinosaurs, and his stocking has 4 pairs of Cars socks, a Cars wallet, and a lizard that he thought he HAD to have at the store. We snuck it away - he didn't even miss it! What a surprise when he gets it back next week! LOL! We still have to pick up a couple more gifts and then we'll be all done and ready.

After dinner Heath and Isaac sat down and played a little Rock Band. Isaac was actually playing the correct notes by color AND on the beat. That's my boy! He'll be an expert at video games by the time he's 5...which will actually probably be a bad thing lol.

Heath is off tomorrow and aside from making a run to the grocery store to get cat food, dog food, and probably pick up items to last us until our next grocery trip on Monday night, we don't have any plans. Maybe if it's not too chilly Heath will agree to take a walk around the mall or out to take some Christmas photos. As if I don't have enough scrapping to catch up on already! I need to do some heavy designing work this weekend also. Hopefully Heath will clean up the house a little this weekend and help with the laundry so I can get some work done.

We'll be getting to bed now - Heath is passed out cold on the couch already (still trying to get used to waking up at 5 and 7 AM!) and I think I'll try to sleep off this headache. Back tomorrow with the day's activities and hopefully new pictures to post!

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