Friday, March 26, 2010

P365 - Week 12

So I (finally) got back into the P365 wagon. I managed to get all my pictures this week. I've actually been writing down to do them in my designing planner. I've become more organized because I write to-do lists for each day. They usually end up being very long but usually I get the important stuff done rather than putting it off.

Here's my Week 12 layout:

19: This is actually an old picture but I did take it with P365 in mind. Isaac made yellow Play-Doh pancakes.
20: New Moon came out today and while my parents were in Wichita they picked it up for me.
21: We've got a lot of laundry to catch up on. The kittens like to sleep in the baskets of laundry that needs to be folded.
22: Still catching up on laundry.
23: Just a shot of my planner and to-do lists.
24: Heath cooked home-made fried chicken today since he had today off. It was delicious!
25: Isaac playing with a few car toys.

I'm making this post really short because I've been hard at work all day. I'm pretty tired and getting ready to start supper and sit down to relax and watch House and Law and Order: SVU.

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